Mail Order Brides Statistic – Only Facts & Figures
Mail order bride statistics can tell much about foreign wives from Latin America, and, surprisingly, American society. Want to know if Americans believe in love and how old Latin American brides are? Check out this article.
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A few figures can reveal all the secrets of Latin mail order brides. No, we do not overestimate their power. Moreover, accurate data can tell you a lot about the things that are familiar to you. Do not believe us? And what if we tell you that 43% of all interethnic couples are non-Hispanic people who married someone from Latin America or countries of the Caribbean? What if we tell you that over 94% of Americans believe in love no matter what? By the way, over 36 million of them are single!
Do you want more mail order bride statistics? If yes, keep reading – below, you can find some really interesting figures that show what the real attitude to online dating is, what the “relationship situation” in American society is, and, of course, who Latin American mail order brides are.
American society: the institute of family, marriage, and attitude to love
So, without further ado, let us move to the figures themselves. What can they tell us about love in the US?
These are the qualities American men look for in a future spouse:
- 62% of American men want their spouse to have similar ideas about children (having and raising).
- 46% want their wife to have a steady job.
- 31% want their spouse to have the same religious and moral beliefs.
- 28% of men want at least as much education.
- Only 7% of men are interested in finding someone with the same racial or ethnic background.
Let us transform this into words. Children are most important to American men, less than half of them care about their future wife’s job, less than 1/3 care about a wife’s religious beliefs, and even fewer of them want at least as much education. The fewest of them want to find someone of the same racial or ethnic background.
It seems clear why American men like foreign girls this much – they just meet all their criteria. But what about online dating? Does it meet their requirements, too?
- The revenue in this industry in America has reached more than 970 million dollars.
- The industry continues to grow – this year, the rate is about 3%.
- User penetration will grow.
- More than 40% of members of dating sites used them to find someone for a serious relationship.
- Over 30% of Americans fell in love on these platforms, and almost the same number had a committed relationship with a partner they met online.
These figures, in turn, show that online dating is an incredibly popular way to meet someone in America, and yes, it will continue to grow.
Latin mail order brides statistics
Here are some other figures that are worth your attention. They illustrate a lot of significant aspects, in particular, reasons why these girls move abroad, how popular they really are, how big the age difference is, etc.
- About 17,000 marriages with mail order brides take place in the US every year, and Latin girls remain the most popular wives.
- Latin America and the Caribbean face new economic challenges, and raising children becomes harder.
- The spousal age gap in marriages with Latin mail order brides is a bit more than 6 years.
- The majority of Brazilian women believe in love just like Americans do.
- In most of these countries, in particular, in Mexico and Brazil, there are more women than men.
Final thoughts about mail order bride statistics
You would be surprised to know how many people are looking for such statistics. We provided basic information that allows you to understand the phenomena of online dating and mail order brides. In our opinion, that is crucially important – after all, people need to realize what the situation in the field they are interested in is really like.
However, statistics and figures are not the only things you need to meet a foreign bride. You need to know how to find a Latin wife, how much you will spend, possible age difference, and ways to avoid dating scams. We do not want to say that you need to waste a lot of time preparing to get started with dating. We just do not want you to be too quick – choose the country, read about local women, choose the site, and discover the world of Latin mail order brides. This will improve your chance of finding a perfect significantly.