How to keep your mail order relationship strong?
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Is it possible to have deep feelings when having long-distance relationships?
Long story short, everything is possible when two people understand why they put effort towards building a connection with each other. It's better to be in love with someone who is far away than not to be in love at all. Actually, such relationships are among the most widespread nowadays because many situations happen to people, but they help test feelings and show real intentions. Borders are becoming less significant, other countries are becoming "closer," and people – more mobile.
Importantly, 60% of long-distance relationships work, and 50% of people in such situations have met each other online. Sometimes, LDR might become idealized to a certain extent because rare meetings become real "celebrations" while real-life dating might turn into routine and not make partners feel towards one another the way they used to.
Obviously, you have to be mentally ready to be with someone you can't hug or kiss the moment you want to. Millions of people are looking for their soulmates for a long time and do not always find it. If you and your partner are lucky to meet kindred spirits in each other's personalities, and even kilometers cannot let your feelings fade away, you need to fight for your love.
Tip 1. Let it be unperfect
You have to remember that no relations can be flawless, and so won’t yours. It can be hard sometimes, but if you are loving and understanding, everything will work out. Let there be small conflicts or misunderstandings. You can’t entirely avoid it. But if you are patient enough and let yourself enjoy the good moments without concentrating on the negative points, even the hardest long-distance relationship will be worth it and even transform into a marriage soon.
Tip 2. Be attentive
Pay attention to what your lady tells or writes. It is essential on the stage of online communication: watch every word of hers because this is how you show your interest and affection. As long as you are into her she is interested in the relationship, so try to make it for both of you. One of the most popular reasons for divorce is inattentiveness, by the way. Keep that in mind.
Tip 3. Give your partner some space
Although you have decided to be together, it doesn’t mean that you have to be in touch 24/7 - that can actually be a little tiring. Remember that your mail order bride has a life, and she can be focused on other people and things, not on you only. She may have friends, college, hobbies, whatever. In fact, the respectful distance and personal space give you and your lady the necessary comfort and supports the ability to have discussions - at least you get some news to talk about.
Tip 4. Make your time together great
When you are together, try to comfort your mail order bride with everything that she might enjoy. Make your dates memorable and don’t forget to surprise her with little pleasures when you are apart. Care and attention mean a lot, and when a woman sees your effort, she wants the relationship to go on.
Tip 5. Know your goal
Never forget why you started your mail order relationship. If you are serious in your intentions, focus on them. Creating a family with a foreign woman is totally possible, and the distance can’t spoil the relationship if you know where it is moving. You can have a happy marriage and bright future with children, a house and total harmony. Be persistent, be consistent and always remember what you love about your mail order bride.
Even the long-distance relationship is possible to keep if you know why you are in it. The keys to happiness are simple, so if you show your love to your future wife, if you comfort her and remember where you are moving, there is nothing that can stop you from marrying and living happily ever after!